Monday 4 July 2022



By: Emmanuel Amuwo

In the coming few months, the world will focus on Nigeria as we will be having the General election of the most populous and most powerful nation in Africa. Finally, different parties have announced their presidential flag bearers and as usual the social media keeps getting flooded with different campaign contents. 

As one with a good understanding of Nigerian politics via reading, engagement, research and involvement, I have come to the knowledge of the hidden facts that are sacrosanct in decision making during electioneering process.

To Nigerian Youth who are passionate about development and a better Nigeria,it is time for us to be strategic in our approach and be intentional. With the social media space filled with both verifiable and unverifiable contents, it is important for youth to be intentional and not influenced by social media unverifiable and emotional draining contents.

I feel sad to see how youth are getting emotionally carried away and not being intentional. With no iota of doubt, youth are not happy with the present situation and that has resulted to them getting easily influenced with unrealistic social media contents and some are Obediently confused. The danger of this will give room for another northern president if care is not taking and that will cause more harm.


The top three are Tinubu, Atiku and Peter Obi. 

Atiku will neglect other regions if he becomes the president.

Peter Obi does not have the spirit of team play.

Tinubu is the only unifier that can bring everyone together.

Atiku does not understand what development means and you can see in Adamawa state as a two term Vice President.

Peter Obi does not have the capacity to influence decisions or negotiate, too rigid to be a president.

Tinubu knows how to get result and what Nigeria need is result.

Atiku does not know how to discover talents and as a result cannot put up an economy recovery cabinet.

Peter Obi seem to be enjoying free advert for the position of a job is not prepared for. It will only lead to doom.

Tinubu is a guru when it comes to talent discovery. He knows how to discover and assign roles. He knows how best to motivate people to work at their capacity. Definitely Nigeria will experience the best of result-oriented cabinet members under the presidency of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

Do not get carried away with an incompetent Atiku, do not be emotionally carried away with the unrealistic jamboree of Peter that is trying to get you Obediently Confused, but EMBRACE and SUPPORT a result oriented and verifiable achiever (Tinubu), who is passionate to restore the hope of Nigerians while ensuring development cut across different states. 

Vote Bola Ahmed Tinubu For President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

BATSO.... For a Progressive Lagos and a  better Nigeria.


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