Wednesday 15 June 2022


 If any other state in Nigeria was as developed as Lagos State is, the population of Lagos State won't be this much.

If Lagos State was not put on a pedestal of greatness by Asiwaju, even the fellow aspirants won't see Lagos as a Key place much more being the fifth economy largest economy in Africa. Lagos can be referred to as a Nation due to its influence.

Lagos State has been used as a reference point by every well meaning Nigerian, meaning it is the desire of everyone to have the achievements of Lagos State replicated at the national level. This I believe has been a prayer request of millions of Nigerians, now that prayer request has been answered.

No one can dispute the greatness of Lagos State as far as Africa is concern. Even the people we referred to as celebrities, Lagos gave them the platform because they could not have chosen another state.

The greatness of Lagos State is undisputable and Tinubu is willing to bring this greatness to Nigeria as a country.

Yes no matter the greatness, there will be one or two challenges. Also for a state like Lagos , the state government is faced with different kind of challenges and some are humanly caused as a result of opposition desperate acts for power. But in all, the state remain the pace setter and still have thousands of people troop in as the state is seen as a place that welcomes everyone.

It will be unfair and unjust for anyone with conscience not to appreciate the person who saw the vision of a new Lagos and put up a road map I call "PATH TO GREATNESS". If Tinubu can do it for Lagos State, then Nigeria is about to experience "Unimaginable Greatness".

Bola Ahmed Tinubu for President,2023.

Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu 1moreterm

For a Progressive Lagos and a Better Nigeria.


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